Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Return to the Blue Waistcoat


Yet another take on my trusty blue waistcoat! 

These photos were taken as part of my talk, "Wearing vs Styling: Accessorizing to Create a Period Look" for the Westcoast Elizabethan Clothing Symposium.

(You can read more about the how and why in Part 1 of the talk HERE.)

The re-styling includes a vintage straw hat.

A blue linen petticoat, approximately 22"x36".

A white linen partlet, with a small ruffle.

A leather pouch/purse and a small knife in a leather sheath.

The red wool petticoat was once part of my petticoat bodies, but is now just a skirt (which needs to be shortened).


And that's it! 

A mini-post. Short and sweet.


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